To date, we have reached over a quarter-million people through our action project and over a million with our door hangers in hundreds of communities across Canada. Participants learn about the impact of pollution and what steps they can take to protect their local water, then they can take action by painting yellow fish symbols with the words ‘Rain Only’ by storm drains and distributing informative fish-shaped brochures to nearby households reminding people that ‘Only Rain Goes Down the Drain’. The program links learning to action and provides both curriculum and badge links for youth in Kindergarten to Grade 9. The TORUS project, or Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of Supercells, aims at understanding the relationships between severe thunderstorms and tornado formation. Handover of Pre-fabricated ICU for the Republic of Indonesia : Project for Capacity. More than 50 researchers and students are deploying a wide-ranging suite of instruments to collect data on supercell thunderstorms across the Great Plains during 20. The Yellow Fish Road™ program engages Canada’s youth, community groups, environmental organizations, families and individuals to protect our water. Updates from Overseas Offices Indonesia Office: October 21, 2022. Participants learn that together we can prevent pollutants such as soap, fertilizer, litter, dirt, oil, pet feces and construction materials from entering storm drains and protect Canada’s water. The idea behind this Ordinance is to keep the first one inch of rainfall on your property by means of installing Seepage Pits, Rain Gardens, etc. 0.19 () Improvements- A new Cast expressions compiles an input and the type to cast it to into a call the CAST function (bug 681121). After processing the data from the Storm System, we will push the result information to the Client System and after that, the Client System will show data in a chart format. We have taken the Sales data set for this project. The Yellow Fish Road™ program educates Canadians that storm drains are the doorways to our rivers, lakes and streams and anything other than rainwater can harm life in and around the water, as well as us as Canadians who need clean water. Report a Pothole Bid on a Project Find out if my Road is County Maintained Report a Street Light Outage Find your office Look up a Recorded Map Find Road. The objective of this tutorial is to create an Apache Storm project to analyze sales data. Since 1991, Trout Unlimited Canada’s award-winning Yellow Fish Road™ program has been Canada’s premier water education program targeted to reduce water pollution.